Boat rental in Cambrils · Hanse — 411 (2005)

Description of Angel's sailboat
Hanse - 411 | 8 People
Boat equipped for height navigation zone 2, despachado. Patronized by a professional, the boat is a school boat of a nautical academy, courses and practices are done on board, do not hesitate to ask me to make a special offer to you what better than to learn to sail yourself !! During the summer I usually go to the Balearic Islands, especially to Ibiza and to Formentera where the water is different, turquoise ... The sailboat is rented in the summer months in this area, having buoys where to anchor. Do not miss the charm of the Balearic Islands, my sailboat is at your disposal!
Equipment available on the sailboat
Services provided by Angel
Overall rating
1 comment
The output turned out great, thank you very much

Offered by Angel
Patrón de litoral de la Marina Mercante y Patrón Profesional de Embarcaciones de Recreo. Amplia experiencia en charters por el mediterráneo incluyendo las Islas Baleares. Conocimiento de calas y fondeaderos. Director de escuela náutica, siempre he estado ligado al mar y especialmente a la vela.
Location of the sailboat: Puerto De Cambrils, Cambrils