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Boat rental in Cres · PiČuljan — Rab 720 (2010)


 (2 reviews)

With a skipper
Aci Marina Cres
Motorboat owned by Klemen
10 people
 · 315 horsepower
 · 23.9 feet
With a skipper
The owner of the boat will accompany you.
Super owner
Klemen is an experienced boat owner with excellent reviews and is committed to providing quality services.

Description of Klemen 's motorboat

PiČuljan - Rab 720 | 10 People

PIČULJAN is a well-known, old and highly respected shipyard from which the RAB 720 also comes. The RAB 720 is in the shape of a boat that our ancestors sailed on, of course with all the technological updates. Connoisseurs also call it Harley-Davidson among vessels. With this beauty you will have the honor to sail, under the watchful eye of experienced skipper David. The RAB 720 is a boat for every occasion, for all weather conditions, with superior navigability, safe and reliable. Feel this symbiosis of technique, tradition and the unlimited nature of sea distances on the other hand. Unlimited freedom that you only have to touch with the help of this 7.2 meter long beauty that will show you with its stability and safety all the pleasures of the sea. We hope this will be one of the most beautiful and tumultuous pleasures of your life. During the trip we can anchor in beautiful bays: Uvala ČIKAT, KRIVICA, Uvala ENGLEZA, as well as the beautiful islands of the LOŠINJ ARCHIPELAGO. SUSAK, ILOVIK, UNIJE simply shout for you to visit them. During the cruise, your eyes will rest while observing the beautiful nature, beautiful small villages and small towns on the islands, which you can experience in this special way only by boat. Stops at local island restaurants are also possible, where you can enjoy a taste of local specialties and seafood. The boat can only be rented with a skipper. Skipper is included in the price. Extra charge: fuel We are looking forward to your visit ! HRVATSKI : PIČULJAN je poznato, staro i vrlo respektabilno brodogradilište iz kojeg izlazi i RAB 720. RAB 720 je oblikom brod na kojem su plovili i naši preci, naravno sa svim tehnološkim novodobnim postignućima. Poznavaoci ga zovu i Harley - Davidson među brodovima. S tom ljepoticom od broda imate čast zaplovit pod budnim okom iskusnog skippera Davida. RAB 720 je brod za svaku priliku, sve vremenske uvjete, sa vrhunskim maritetnim sposobnostima, siguran i pouzdan. Osjetite tu simbiozu tehnike, tradicije i neograničene prirode morskog prostranstva na drugoj strani. Neograničena sloboda, morate se je samo dotaknuti pomoći te 7,2 metara dugačke ljepotice koja će vam pokazati kroz svoju stabilnost i sigurnost sve užitke mora. Nadamo se, da će biti to jedno od vašh najljepših, najdivnijih užitaka u životu. U vrijeme đite može se sidriti u prelijepim uvalama kao: BLUE BAY of ČIKAT, KRIVICA, uvala ENGLEZA kao i prelijepi otoci LOŠINJSKOG ARHIPELAGA: SUSAK, ILOVIK, UNIJE preprosto zovu, da ih posjetite. Tijekom plovidbe vaše oči će se odmatrat u promatranju prelijepe prirode, divnih malih zaseoka i mjestašca po otocima koje možete na poseban način doživiti samo sa broda. Moguće su i stanke u lokalnim otočkim restoranima gdje ćete uživat u lokalnim delicijama. Brod se može unajmit samo sa skipperom. Skipper je uključen u cijenu. Extra se zaračunava : gorivo Veselimo se susretu ! SLOVENŠČINA: PIČULJAN je poznana, stara in zelo spoštovana ladjedelnica iz katere prihaja tudi RAB 720. RAB 720 je po obliki barka , na katerih so pluli že naši predniki, seveda z vsemi tehnološkimi posodobitvami. Poznavalci ga imenujejo tudi Harley – Davidson med plovili. S to lepotico boste imeli čast zapluti, pod budnim očesom iskušenega skipperja Davida. RAB 720 je barka za vsako priložnost, za vse vremenske prilike, z vrhunskimi plovnimi lastnostmi, varna in zanesljiva. Občutite to simbiozo tehnike, tradicije in neomejene narave morskih daljav na drugi strani. Neomejena svoboda, ki se je morate samo dotakniti s pomočjo te 7,2 metra dolge lepotice, ki vam bo pokazala s svojo stabilnostjo in varnostjo vse užitke morja. Upamo, da bo to eno najlepših in najburnejših užitkov v vašem življenju. Med potovanjem se lahko sidramo v prelepih zalivih: Uvala ČIKAT, KRIVICA, Uvala ENGLEZA, prav tako pa prelepi otoki LOŠINJSKEGA ARHIPELAGA. SUSAK, ILOVIK, UNIJE preprosto kričijo, da jih obiščete. Med plovbo bodo vaši pogledi počivali med opazovanjem prelepe narave, čudovitih majhnih vasic in mestec na otokih, katere lahko na ta poseben način doživite samo z ladjo. Mogoči so tudi postanki v lokalnih otoških restavracijah, kjer boste uživali med poskušanjem lokalnih specijalitet in morske hrane. Plovilo se lahko najame samo s skipperjem. Skipper je vključen v ceno. Extra se zaračunava : gorivo Veselimo se vašega obiska !

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Equipment available on the motorboat

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Electric toilet
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August 2021

Top! Thank you!!!

August 2023
Translated from Italian Show original

Beautiful day in the company of Klemen. Very helpful and attentive to our needs. Mattresses, sup and drinks available! Advised!

August 2023

Francesca and her friends were very kind Enyoing every minute of sailing. Kind and very polite company pleasure to sail with

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Offered by Klemen

Joined in June 2021  ·  Professional Owner


 (2 reviews)

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Super owner
Klemen is a Super owner
Super owners are experienced boat owners who receive positive reviews and are committed to providing a high-quality service.
Response time: Within a day
Response rate: More than 95%


Location of the motorboat: Aci Marina Cres, Cres

Location of the motorboat: Cres


Boat Manufacturer: Pičuljan
Model: Rab 720
Engine power: 315hp
Length: 23.88ft
Year: 2010
Onboard capacity: 10 people
Number of cabins: 1
Number of berths: 4
Number of bathrooms: 1
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Rental price
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Check-in & check-out

Check-in time (day rental): 9:00 AM
Check-out time (day rental): 6:00 PM
Check-in: 9:00 AM
Check-out: 6:00 PM

Vessel rules

Fuel included in price: No

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Price list
01 January - 31 December
$392 / day See price details
1 half day $448
1 day $392
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