Boat rental in Olbia · Dufour — Dufour 56 Exclusive (2018)
Description of Giuseppe's sailboat
Dufour - Dufour 56 Exclusive | 6 People
The boat was launched in 2018 and is rented annually during the summer, departing from Marina di Portisco, always with the same skipper who is also the owner. This management method ensures that the boat is in excellent condition equipped with a 100 l/h watermaker, 6 Kwh generator, 10Kw inverter, air conditioning system in the dinette, tender with outboard. We have unlimited availability of fresh water thanks to 3 tanks for a total capacity of 1,000 liters and 500 liters of fuel. Both the internal and external spaces are very large and usable. Outside we also have a fantastic fridge and a spectacular barbecue. The boat is rented for one or more weeks with boarding on Saturday and disembarkation on Friday by 4 pm. Usually, based on requests and weather conditions, we visit the Maddalena archipelago with its islands. We also visit the places of Corsica such as Bonifacio or Porto Vecchio and the beautiful coves and inlets present along our journeys. Other times, however, we head south to visit the island of Tavolara and the beaches of San Teodoro, such as the beautiful Cala Brandinchi or Coda Cavallo.
Equipment available on the sailboat
Services provided by Giuseppe
Offered by Giuseppe
Sono nato a La Maddalena, mio padre era un guardiano dei fari e mi ha trasmesso la passione per il mare e la navigazione a vela. Ho iniziato a praticare la vela intorno ai vent'anni. Ho iniziato con le derive per poi passare ai cabinati. Ho partecipato a diverse competizioni nazionali ed internazionali, diversi giri di Sardegna e d'Italia. Ho navigato come skipper in quasi tutto il Mediterraneo. Negli ultimi 10 anni navigo prevalentemente nel nord est della Sardegna e Sud della Corsica. Nell'ultimo anno ho anche conseguito il titolo professionale di Ufficiale del Diporto di seconda classe
Location of the sailboat: Marina Di Portisco, Olbia