Boat rental in Pantelleria · Cantieri Siciliani Charlie Papa — Charlie Papa 730 (2005)
Description of Andrea's motorboat
Cantieri Siciliani Charlie Papa - Charlie Papa 730 | 8 People
Our gozzo boats are an excellent choice for those who want to spend a day at sea with their family or friends in maximum tranquility and comfort. Both units, 7.00m long, are equipped with inboard engines with a power of 40hp, thus allowing driving even for those who do not have a boating license. Equipped with a large sunbathing area in the bow, thanks to the presence of comfortable cushions, it allows all guests to lie down comfortably and enjoy the sun and sea breeze in complete relaxation. There is also a fresh water shower on board, for rinsing off after a dive or even for a simple refreshment during the hottest days, and a fridge for storing food or drinks (excluding ice). In the stern area there is a small shaded area, guaranteed by a foldable awning, with cushioned benches and a comfortable riser that can be used as a table during the lunch break. Both units are equipped with comfortable ladders and related beaches to allow you to ascend in perfect safety or even simply to sit in the water and dry. Simple to maneuver, even for first timers, they will allow you to explore the most secluded and hidden coves of the island for a 360° holiday.
Equipment available on the motorboat
Services provided by Andrea
Offered by Andrea
PANTELTOUR. Servizi Turistici Pantelleria. è un'azienda che da anni si occupa di turismo legato alla nautica da diporto e al mare sull'isola di Pantelleria. Offrendo una serie di servizi sia legati al mondo delle escursioni collettive con imbarcazioni più grandi che al noleggio in esclusiva di piccole unità, con e senza skipper, per una vacanza a 360° e in completo relax su questo lembo d'Italia nel mezzo del canale di sicilia. I nostri NOLEGGI IN ESCLUSIVA permettono a chi vuole godersi una o più giornate di mare in assoluto relax e privacy di usufruire di comodissime unità, complete di tutti i confort necessari, in maniera flessibile ed indipendente. Orari di partenza e soste bagno saranno infatti concordate con lo skipper quotidianamente (condizioni meteo marine permettendo).
Location of the motorboat: Pantelleria Centro Porto Vecchio, Pantelleria
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