Yachtcharter in Cancún · Leopard — 51 (2018)

Beschreibung von Alfredo's Katamaran
Leopard - 51 | 25 Personen
MACHEN SIE DIE FAHRT IHRES LEBENS Entdecken Sie die Welt an Bord einer unserer vielen luxuriösen Yachten im modernen Stil, die perfekt geeignet sind, um ein elegantes, entspanntes und einzigartiges Urlaubserlebnis zu bieten. Marke: Leopard Yachtlänge: 51´ Gäste: 25 Badezimmer: 4 Zimmer: 4
Ausstattung des Katamarans
Dienstleistungen des Katamarans

Inserat von Alfredo
HELLO, Alfredo CEO & Founder of Evoke ¨Lifestyle experience¨ luxury concierge agency, im 38 years old and i love to sail and skiing. Our mission is to provide authentic hospitality by making a difference in our members lives and accomplish their dreams. Our team of lifestyle managers will take care of their most precious commodity- their time, through bespoke experiences and lifestyle services We help our members to enhance their lifestyles and achieve their goals. We specialize in lifestyle design so that every aspect of your life is lived to perfection – whilst enjoying a world-class service.
Liegeplatz katamaran: Puerto Cancun, Cancún