Yacht charter in Caorle · Elan — 410 (2008)

Description of Stefano's sailboat
Elan - 410 | 8 People
Rent this splendid Elan 410 sailboat to spend fun days of sailing with your family and friends in the waters of the Adriatic Sea. Starting from the port of Caorle you can sail along the coast of Veneto and reach Venice, or for longer rentals, head towards the splendid waters of Croatia. The Elan 410 is a boat with a sporty temperament, particularly fast and reactive that allows you to fully experience the emotions of sailing, even technical, in absolute safety thanks to the experience of its crew. Inside you will find 3 large cabins and 2 bathrooms, a spacious dinette with sofa and dining table and a fully equipped kitchen for cooking delicious dishes on board. It is also equipped with a large sundeck at the bow where you can relax and sunbathe, while at the stern you will find a very spacious cockpit with seating and a dining table for outdoor dining. The awning will protect you from the sun during the hottest hours of the day. In addition, the boat is equipped with a photovoltaic system, full-batten mainsail, German circuit, Harken and Gennaker equipment. The costs of: - Skipper and co-skipper - Dinghy with outboard, - Snorkeling equipment While the costs of fuel, food and any ports are excluded. For more information I await your messages on Click&Boat!
Equipment available on the sailboat
Services provided by Stefano
Overall rating
Experienced and passionate team, very helpful and friendly. Experience to be repeated! Thank you guys! Good wind
Wonderful experience, definitely to be redone! Barca and above all its commander Stefano vote 10 E LODE!
Dear readers, I have no words to thank captains Stefano and Mauro, two exquisite people to say the least, as well as very prepared in bringing their beautiful boat!!!.. From one to five stars? A nice 7 stars and many compliments for everything, try to believe!. We spent one of the most beautiful days at sea, thanks to their kindness towards us, always ready to answer all our questions and put us at ease. treated like family members... Gentlemen, Lots and lots of stuff !!!... Already intending to repeat this exciting experience !!!. Stefano and Mauro are the TOP. Captains, THANKS again for everything!!!. Giada, Giulia, Francesco, Denissa, Paola and Gilberto.
Wonderful weekend, Stefano and Mauro made us fully savor the taste of sailing! If you want the sea and the wind that swells the sails, Stefano and Mauro's Elan 410 is ideal !!!
Fantastic experience. Sun, sea, wind, and the starry sky above us. All in perfect safety with Stefano and Mauro as excellent skippers. Experience to be repeated

Offered by Stefano
Sono un giovane "cinquantenne", Emiliano ma trapiantato in Veneto da 20 anni. Di professione Manager ma con una forte passione per il mare, dopo una pluriennale attività di regatante su derive e catamarani sportivi, iniziata ai tempi dell'università, sono passato ai cabinati, scoprendo il piacere dell'andare per mare e del vivere a bordo, immerso nella natura ed i suoi elementi. Dopo ca 10 anni di noleggio, come assistente dello skipper poi skipper di imbarcazioni con cui ho fatto vacanze e viaggi in Adriatico (la Croazia in lungo e largo) e Mediterraneo (Sardegna, Corsica, Sicilia, Grecia Ionica) ho deciso sei anni fa di diventare armatore. So Beautiful -Elan 410 performance del 2008 - è la mia seconda barca da armatore, ed è a tutti gli effetti membro attivo della mia famiglia. Sono infatti sposato, con due figli di 10 e 5 anni, praticamente nati a bordo e che condividono con me e la mamma gran parte delle migliaia di miglia percorse ogni stagione. Amo la vela, il piacere delle vele a segno, della performance e del vento che ti spinge...oltre che il buon vivere, la buona compagnia ed il rispetto per i valori della natura e l'ambiente. In attesa di coronare il mio sogno di giro del mondo a vela, continuo a navigare e condividere questa mia passione per altre
Location of the sailboat: Darsena Dell'orologio, Caorle