boat hire in Flensburg · Marstal — Galeasse (1905)
Description of Ulrich's sailboat
Marstal - Galeasse | 9 People
Yrsa is a galleass built in Marstal in 1901 (more on that below). She is 18 meters on deck and 24m "overall". Inside, in addition to the skipper's cabin, we have a spacious mess, a galley in the deckhouse and a forepeak. In total, Yrsa can accommodate up to 10 people (we are allowed to take 12 people with us, but then at least at night they have to cuddle) A reliable Volvo 6-cylinder hums in the engine room and, if necessary, we have a generously dimensioned electricity generator on board. Wherever and whenever possible, however, we try to have "engine off" and move around as the builders of Yrsa had planned 123 years ago. As a galleass, Yrsa is a typical cargo sailing ship of the Danish North and Baltic Seas. A full foreship and a sharply cut stern make her a showcase example of the typical Marstal ships. In principle, she is a gaff ketch that has a topsail on her front mast. When we set sail, it's "all hands on deck" and everyone helps! In general, sailing on our "old lady" is a very special experience. The crew grows together as if by magic and many long friendships have been formed on board. We are all in the same boat, literally. Our trips to the Baltic Sea start from the wonderful museum harbor in Flensburg. Our main cruising area is the Danish South Sea, the Swedish peninsula and in the future perhaps also the North Sea as far as the British Isles.
Equipment available on the sailboat
Services provided by Ulrich
Offered by Ulrich
Ich bin selbstständiger Handwerker mit einem kleinen Metallbetrieb in Österreich. Neben meinem Bordhund und jedweder Form von alter Technik ist alles was mit dem Wasser (vor allem dem salzigen) zu tun hat seit jeher meine Leidenschaft. Ich segle seit 30 Jahren, die letzten 14 Jahre als Eigner. Unser Segelschiff Yrsa ist seit 2022 in unserem Besitz und wird als Vereinsschiff, Ausbildungsschiff und für Kojencharter benutzt.
Location of the sailboat: Museumshafen, Flensburg