boat hire in Le Grau-du-Roi · Capelli — Capelli Tempest 700 (2012)

Description of Bianco's RIB
Capelli - Capelli Tempest 700 | 10 People
We are professional in boat rental, we have several sizes of semi-rigid depending on the number of people you are with. We can advise you on choosing a boat. By booking with us, you benefit from an insurance saving of around fifty euros as well as flexible cancellation in the event of bad weather! We also provide children's vests adapted to the weight of your children (obligatory at sea for the captain). This boat demonstrates the best compromise in behavior and stability, and just a few moments at the wheel are enough to feel in tune with the incisive but reassuring hull of a RIB with incredible acceleration. Circulation on board remains easy with the removal of the pilot seat which allows for a spacious boat at the rear while keeping a comfortable 3-seater bench seat at the front to enjoy the spacious sunbathing area. Thanks to its installed 'Roll Bar' and for water sports, you will be towed at a height of more than 3 meters and will allow comfort while buoying and easy exit from the water for wakeboarding. It is ideal for a family outing or for practicing water sports. Do not hesitate to contact us by private messaging Click&Boat, we will be happy to answer your questions. See you soon, the bianco sport nautic team
Equipment available on the RIB
Services provided by bianco

Offered by Bianco
société bianco sport nautic basée sur saint laurent d'aigouze, nous proposons des bateaux à la location. Nous avons une expérience de plusieurs années dans le domaine, nous nous efforçons de répondre au maximum à vos attentes :) Etant professionnel dans la location de bateaux, nous disposons de plusieurs taille de semi-rigide en fonction du nombres de personnes que vous êtes. Nous pourrons vous conseiller sur le choix d'un bateau. En réservant chez nous, vous bénéficiez d'une économie d'assurance d'une cinquantaine d'euros ainsi qu'une annulation flexible en cas de mauvaise météo! Nous fournissons également des gilets enfants adapté en fonction du poids de vos enfants (obligatoire en mer pour le capitaine).
Location of the RIB: Port Camargue, Le Grau-Du-Roi
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